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 Ashampoo MyAutoplay Menu v1.0.3.94-TE | Rapidshare Megaupload

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Posts : 36
Join date : 2010-06-12
Age : 29
Location : Kohima,Nagaland,India

Ashampoo MyAutoplay Menu v1.0.3.94-TE | Rapidshare Megaupload Empty
PostSubject: Ashampoo MyAutoplay Menu v1.0.3.94-TE | Rapidshare Megaupload   Ashampoo MyAutoplay Menu v1.0.3.94-TE | Rapidshare Megaupload EmptyTue Jun 29, 2010 7:46 pm

Ashampoo MyAutoplay Menu v1.0.3.94-TE | Rapidshare Megaupload 100404080617808928

Ashampoo MyAutoplay Menu v1.0.3.94-TE
Ashampoo MyAutoplay Menu takes all the work out of building autoplay discs with a simple point-and-click interface. And it includes CD and DVD burning so that you can create your finished discs without leaving the program. Use for: Multimedia discs with navigation menus, demo and incentive discs, portable application collections on thumb drives, unusual gifts and more…

Build your own Autoplay discs and thumb drives with menus!

Use for: Multimedia discs with navigation menus, demo and
incentive discs, portable application collections on thumb
drives, unusual gifts and moreů

When you insert a commercial program disc it will often start
automatically with a graphical menu that lets you make choices
like installing a program, displaying a web page, viewing
documentation or information material and so on.

Building these discs and menus manually is a lot of work and
requires programming skills ľ and even if you have the skills it
takes a long time.

Ashampoo MyAutoplay Menu takes all the work out of building
autoplay discs with a simple point-and-click interface. And it
includes CD and DVD burning so that you can create your finished
discs without leaving the program.

Build autoplay CDs, DVDs or thumb drives:

In addition to CDs and DVDs, Ashampoo MyAutoplay Menu can also
build USB thumb drives that ôautoplayö directly on insertion,
complete with interactive multi-page menus. You can build discs
with multiple slide shows and movies with a navigation menu. Or
you can create USB thumb drives with a collection of portable
applications and a navigation menu for selecting them.

Alternatively, you can also build your content to a folder on
your hard drive that you can then copy or process further

Stand-alone or browser-based menus:

Ashampoo MyAutoplay Menu gives you two different ways to display
the autoplay navigation menus that display when the disc or drive
is inserted: As a stand-alone application that will run on all
Windows computers, or as HTML files that display in a normal web
browser. All the functions except the splash screen are available
in both versions.

Functions and features:

When the disc or USB thumb drive is inserted a graphical menu is
displayed for user interaction. You can also design and display a
ôsplash screenö ľ a graphical page that displays for a short
definable period before the menu appears. You can create
multi-page menus with buttons for executing functions and
navigating between the menu pages, with animated transitions
between the pages. Button functions include starting programs,
opening documents, opening web pages, creating emails and a wide
range of options for navigating between your menu screens. You
can add background music or sounds in a wide variety of formats
to play once or loop while the menus are displayed.

The disc or USB drive you create can contain anything you like ľ
you define the folder structure and select the files and folders
you want to include. Itĺs effectively a data CD building program
with added options for autoplay functions and menus.

Point-and-click editor and disc burner:

Creating your menus couldnĺt be easier: You just point and click
to add objects and position them. A selection of themes with
images and ready-to-use button layouts are included for even
faster results. In addition to buttons you can add text,
geometric shapes, background images, additional images and tables
for formatted information with a full-featured table editor.

Images for backgrounds and other menu components can be acquired
directly from a scanner, digital camera, online web page, file on
your hard drive or other sources.

Install Notes
Install ashampoo_myautoplay_menu_1.0.3_sm.exe. Do not launch
Ashampoo MyAutoplay Menu yet. Next import the registration.reg
file into your registry, which can be found in the Reg folder.
Make sure you have administator mode if you have problems
importing the regfile. Ashampoo MyAutoplay Menu is now fully
registered and activated!

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